20 Tactics To Keep The Momentum Going To Achieve Success In Life
Have you ever had an incredible idea for a new business? And after you’ve had this idea for a while, you finally find the time to sit down and write a plan?
And then you get stuck? And suddenly, it’s been weeks, months, or years and you haven’t started anything at all. And then, as you’re sitting there in your misery and self-doubt, someone who has already succeeded with this business idea comes along and tells you what you need to do to get going!
In this article, I will give you 20 tactics that will help you keep the momentum going no matter what; even if you’re not sure about your ability, ideas, or chances of achieving success.
How does your momentum Works
At some point in their lives, most people will come across the concept of “momentum.” It’s usually defined as the feeling of going fast and having a lot of energy. When people have momentum, they tend to be more focused on what they are doing, have a strong desire to get something done, and move quickly towards accomplishing a goal.
The best part about momentum is that it’s pretty simple to generate and can be leveraged for many things.
The 3 Key Points: Focus, Motivation, and Consistence, are elements that are essential in getting the ball rolling and having the discipline to continue.
The best way to generate momentum is to take action on a goal that you have set. It means that you need to know your goal, put in the effort, and keep the momentum going to accomplish it. It also means that you need to focus on one thing at a time and not spread yourself too thin.
You need the motivation to keep on pushing for what you want, which is just how we are wired. To keep the momentum going, one will need to find a sense of purpose behind what you are trying to do. Do something every day to get that momentum going. The more you do something each day, whether big or small, celebrate the minor victories. Your momentum will build up as you progress, and with a positive mindset, you will feel that you want to accomplish and achieve more.
There will be days where you don’t feel like doing anything. You may feel exhausted or uninspired. Consistency is essential in generating momentum. Consistency is sticking to your plan and not letting yourself get distracted. Consistence is being disciplined in your actions and not letting yourself get sidetracked by the things around you. The key here is to do this regularly so that over time you build momentum, and it becomes a force that you can’t ignore.
Success is like a snowball, it takes momentum to build and the more you get in the right direction the bigger it gets. Steve Ferrante
20 tactics to keep your momentum going
We’ve all heard the expression, “You only get one chance at a first impression.” Whether it’s your first interview with a potential employer or that important meeting with a potential investor, the ability to leave a good first impression is crucial. And the best way to do this is to be prepared and keep moving forward.
Here are some tactics to help you stay on track and maintain a steady momentum flow.
Start with just one small and simple step
Many people give up even before they start. Most people walk away because they make all sorts of excuses and delays, and in many situations, over plan and overthink.
Yes, you heard me right; while it is not wrong to plan, you need to be realistic with your idea and start with small steps to make progress.
Taking your very first step
Every project starts with a simple action: you take the first step. It may be the biggest thing you’ve ever done, and it will not be so simple. It might not be what you want, but it’s the first step. If you don’t take it, how will you ever move forward?
Kick start your morning early
The saying goes, the early birds get the worm, and small feats from your tasks help kick start and keep the momentum going.
Build your momentum with goal setting
It is the concept of getting things going and building on that momentum. Once you have a goal, make it your focus and keep the momentum going by taking action. As you take steps toward your goal, think about what will make your goal easier to achieve. Do you need more time? Will the work get done faster if you break down the task into smaller steps?
We need to set goals and get organized around achieving them. Once we’ve established a goal, we have a direction, and the next step is to establish a strategy, put in the hard work to help us reach that goal.
Seek advice from others
Always make sure you are prepared and understand the issues, and if you cannot work on it, do not hesitate to seek advice from others to move forward instead of wasting valuable time dwelling on something that you cannot work out. It can be very disruptive to keep the momentum going as you may feel frustrated that you cannot get certain things done instead of wasting valuable time dwelling on something that you cannot work out. It is very disruptive to keep the momentum going as you may feel frustrated that you cannot get certain things done.
Plan and learn to delegate
It can be tough to be on top of everything all the time. If you try to do too much on your own, you will most likely not get any traction and slow your pace, disrupting your progress. You will have to figure out how to organize your team, set goals, and manage your time.
Delegation and using the correct person for the job are very critical in helping you to keep the momentum going. With proper leadership, you will get tasks accomplished in a fraction of time, allowing you to focus on other important things. The important thing here is always to use the correct person to increase productivity.
Set timelines for yourself
Target dates are another important element. You have got to create a plan and then stick to it. You have to commit to your goals, no matter how unrealistic you think they are. Without a schedule, you’ll get caught up in the day-to-day minutiae of life, and your goals will lose steam. It would be best if you had a plan for what you will accomplish daily. How much time will you dedicate to each goal? How many steps will you take toward it? Make sure you stick to it and don’t let any external factors cause you to stray from your goals.
Potential obstacles
Think about what might slow down your progress and identify potential roadblocks before they happen once you know what might get in your way, question, plan, and anticipate to make sure that you are prepared to deal with it. The point here is that you want to minimize any possible distractions or obstacles that can keep the momentum going for you.
Build on simple victories
Feel like a hero by getting a few simple victories under your belt. It’s easy to let down when mistakes happen, especially when it seems like everything around you is falling apart and not going right.
Learning to focus on winning means viewing the small victory along the way differently, whether it’s a sale, a customer, or an email response. It will inspire you to keep striving for more. What makes the difference is whether or not you’re focused on what you’ve done well and how you can build on that success.
Success requires first expending 10 units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce 10 units of results with each unit of effort. Charles J. Givens
Make yourself accountable
The first thing you want to make sure of is to hold yourself accountable to your own goals and deadlines. Don’t let what you are doing slip; it is simply an excuse you created for yourself if you let it pass. You are also indirectly telling yourself that you are not serious about reaching your goal, derailing your motivation and momentum.
Do not leave issues hanging
When you think about the things you’re currently struggling with, is there anything you can do to get things back on track?
I can hear you already: “It’s all been taken care of!” Well, if it’s already been taken care of, why would you need an article like this?
The biggest obstacle to keep the momentum going is complacency, and it is critical not to let the issue go away. If you’ve got something on your mind, keep it on the front burner whenever possible. Ask yourself whether there’s anything you can do to improve. The faster you resolve the matter, the faster you will see improvement, and the chances of it coming back to haunt you will be next to zero.
Organize yourself
Always organize your daily goals to know what you need to achieve. Knowing what you need to do and keeping up with what is happening around you can keep your momentum going, creating positive motivation and helping you feel more accountable for meeting your deadlines.
Consistent is key
If you want to keep your momentum going, consistency is one of the most important things to keep in mind. People don’t simply change; if you can present a consistent message in every interaction and follow-through, your chances of achieving that goal will increase exponentially.
Remember, results and progress take time to form and happen. It is not a sprint but a marathon race; the result takes time, and having consistency is key.
Self motivations
If you want to get things done, you have got to commit. Once you decide to stick with something and start to do it, there’s one more thing you need to do to keep your momentum going.
It’s called self-motivation. And it means to motivate yourself, to keep yourself going when your motivation is waning. In the long run, it’s easier to stay motivated than it is to get motivated.
One strategy is to remind yourself of why you started your project or task in the first place. It will help you continue to believe in the validity of your ideas and visions. Another way to stay motivated is to remember why you decided to take this route; while the path can be tough, look forward to the results and look within. You’ve got to be able to say: “This is important to me, and I’m going to work on it.”
Downtime and self-care
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Always allow yourself relaxation; you’ll have to learn how to take care of yourself and figure out a way to get the downtime you need. If we can create the right conditions to give ourselves a little bit of time, we can be more productive when well-rested and relaxed.
We can’t do everything all at once, and if we don’t allow ourselves time to relax, recharge, and do other things that are important to us, we won’t be able to give our full attention and energy to the things we have on our plate.
Chose meaningful tasks or activities
You’re more likely to keep at something when you feel passionate about it. Tasks can be helpful, but they won’t keep you motivated if they aren’t meaningful. Meaningful tasks give you something to be passionate about and focus your energy on. If you have to ask “Why?” when you complete a task, it’s probably not very meaningful.
Build on your previous victories
A good way to build up and keep the momentum going is to remember is that you cannot force the results. You need to be patient and let the momentum happen. Learn to build on what you have done and think like a winner. Celebrate the challenges you have overcome, be it big or small, build on them and tell yourself you have done it once and there are no reasons that cannot happen again.
Focus on the positive and be happy with what you have achieved so far. You can always improve. Stay focused. Remember, the more you focus on what you want to achieve, the better the outcome will be.
Share it with someone else
Momentum is contagious, and sharing with someone helps create positive vibes in your life. Share what you have achieved so far and how you plan to take it further. Share what you learned and how it has helped you. Letting others know that you are on a path to achieving something good for yourself can motivate you forward and become an inspiration for people around you.
Have an exciting purpose for what you do
The main problem with “excitement” is that it’s hard to define, and most people don’t know what it means. The most common definition is “a feeling of excitement or delight,” which is pretty close, but it’s missing the emotional aspect of the term. You should feel some level of desire, joy, happiness, or even excitement to contribute to something meaningful and purposeful. If you’re not, it’s probably time to reevaluate what’s driving you.
Use reverse-gap thinking
Another way to keep the momentum going is to practice reverse-gap thinking. It means that you start with what you think you need to know but then work backward to find out what you don’t need to know. It helps you break down tasks into smaller ones. For example, if you want to make a website, you may want to know how to create a website, but you might not need to learn how to code. So you can focus on learning how to make websites without worrying about how to create them. Once you better understand what you need to know, you can then decide which path to follow.
Final thoughts to keep the momentum going
Momentum is not a strategy. It results from consistent execution and continuous improvement in what you are doing and making it swing to your benefit. You can’t force momentum, but you can make efforts with it. Start with a positive mindset and keep working towards your goal; there is no magic formula to create momentum, but it’s achievable with focus, consistency, and hard work.
Originally published at https://inside5am.com on December 3, 2021.